Week 6 Reflection

These 6 weeks have been really interesting, specially in the area of of self observation and trying to keep a regular schedule. As far as my goal is concern I feel that I could have put in more time in the practice; one of the thing that I have learn and that will stay with me is how important it is to have a regular physical practice (maybe yoga) in order to maintain a healthy life style. Going forward I will always take some time out during my day to practice and meditate. I think staying connected to the community is important so I will continued my blog post in order to let everybody knows how I am doing and see where everybody is at. I find that the off the mat exercises are as important as on the mat because they serve as a form of self check to see where we are at. Over all This has been a great experience in a personal level and also on a social level, because that it create a more harmonious me and a more tolerant one also.


Week 5: Keeping my eyes on the prize.

As I looking back from the beginning of this course I see that my field of understanding have expanded in terms of how I see myself and the world around me,  and that once I start observing myself the outside influences really does not affect me that much. On a physical level my body has become a little more flexible and that I enjoy doing the exercises a little bit more.  I am learning to really appreciate the fact I can go home and follow a set of exercise before I get into everything else.


Eight components of a Balancing Life.


Inspirational / Spiritual Nourishment / Physical Health
Finding your sense of Self







Movement, Exercise

Touch, sounds, light, silence

Mental Health Learning / Education
Awareness, inner vision


Attitude, Frame of mind



Life as a learning experience


Truth, reflection

Teaching others


Community Recreation
Contribution to others
Contribution to earth



Spiritual value of work and play



Rejuvenation and refreshment


Loving Relationships Career

Couples, intimacy

Forgiveness, acceptance



Making a difference

Financial Security

Lifestyle desired

Attracting value-driven people to your team


Practicing Mindfulness week 4

One of the thing that I have learn by closely paying attention to the yoga poses is that certain part of my body need to be work on more than others, just because you do daily exercise doe not means you are working your whole body. Each time I practice I reach a little longer; feeling much better about the practice.



Setting Goals

Now that I have a little understanding!

In the begging my goal was to get a little bit of understanding between Yoga and my Tai Chi practice. Now that we are in week 3 and I am dedicating more time to this practice my Goals is to be able to have a regular yoga practice along side my Tai Chi and also to become more limber and flexible.